Nursery Rhymes and Fables: Supplemental Guide 3 | Jack Be Nimble & Little Jack Horner 51
Advance Preparation
Prepare a copy of Instructional Master 3A-1 for each student; cut in
half. Refer to the halves as Response Card 5 for “Jack Be Nimble”
and Response Card 6 for “Little Jack Horner.” Students can use these
Response Cards for preview, for discussion, for review, and to answer
For On Stage, “Jack Be Nimble,” bring in items that rhyme with quick and
that students can easily leap over, e.g., stick, brick, toothpick.
For Presenting the Read-Aloud for “Little Jack Horner,” bring in samples
of plums for students to taste.
Note: Be sure to check with your school’s policy regarding food
distribution and allergies.
For Syntactic Awareness Activity, prepare a copy of Instructional Master
3B-1 for each student; cut in half. Give each student the top half. Refer
to it as a Noun Card. Students can use their Noun Card to talk about this
part of speech and to hold up when they hear a noun during the activity.
Note to Teacher
Begin using the Recording Sheet for Recitation of Nursery Rhymes
(Instructional Master 3B-2) for students who are ready to recite a nursery
rhyme of their choice. If they wish, students may recite more then one.