108 The Five Senses: Supplemental Guide 4C | I Use My Tongue to Taste
Presenting the Interactive Read-Aloud 15 minutes
The dialogic factors and instructional conversations within the lesson
can be altered based on the needs of the class and professional
judgment. Please keep in mind the Core Content Objectives as you make
adjustments to this interactive read-aloud.
I Use My Tongue to Taste
Show image 5A-1: Boy eating watermelon
Look at the boy in this picture. He is happy because he’s about to
taste something yummy and sweet—a watermelon! But if it weren’t
for a few bumps on his tongue, he wouldn’t be able to taste it at all!
Do you remember the different meanings of bump?
[Call on two volunteers to answer.]
The first thing you do when you eat food is to open your mouth and
take a bite.
[Have students mime opening their mouth and taking a bite.]
Tell your partner how food moves across your tongue and goes down
your throat.
[Allow thirty seconds for students to talk. Call on two volunteers to share their
While you are chewing, the wet saliva—or water-like fluid—inside
your mouth melts the chewed-up food so it is easy to swallow. As
the melted food moves across your tongue to go down your throat, it
goes onto tiny little bumps on your tongue.
Show image 5A-2: Taste buds
Turn to your partner and look at each other’s tongues—you’ll see the
bumps all over.
What do those tiny bumps contain?
- taste buds
Those tiny bumps contain taste buds, which come in different
shapes and sizes. They tell your brain whether something tastes
good or bad. There are over 10,000 taste buds in your mouth! 10,000
is a big number!
[Write 10,000 on the board.]