Kindergarden - The Five Senses

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
The Five Senses: Supplemental Guide 5C | I Use My Skin to Touch 133

Presenting the Interactive Read-Aloud 15 minutes

The dialogic factors and instructional conversations within the lesson
can be altered based on the needs of the class and professional
judgment. Please keep in mind the Core Content Objectives as you make
adjustments to this interactive read-aloud.

I Use My Skin to Touch
 Show image 6A-1: Hands on grass
The sense of touch is something you use almost all the time. You are
using your sense of touch right now.
How are you using your sense of touch right now?”

[Call on two students to answer.]
Your body knows whether you are sitting on something hard or soft
and whether you are cold or warm.

 Show image 6A-2: Hands
Remember that every sense has its own body part.

With your partner, review each of the five senses and its body part.

[Allow forty-five seconds for students to review the five senses and their
associated body parts. Call on two partner pairs to share with the class.]
You can touch with every part of your body that is covered with skin.

[Point to the different parts of your body that have skin.]
Who remembers the different meanings for skin?

[Call on three students to answer.]
Every part of your body that has skin has the sense of touch.

[Ask students to touch skin somewhere on their body. Make note of the fact
that they may be touching different parts of their body, not just their hands.]
Tell your partner about a time you felt something with your whole
body, like jumping into a cold swimming pool and feeling cool all over.
I will call on some of you to share.”

[Allow thirty seconds for students to talk. Call on two volunteers to share their
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