146 The Five Senses: Supplemental Guide CA | Culminating Activities
Exploring Student Resources
Materials: Domain-related student websites
Pick appropriate websites from the Internet or from the websites listed
in the Introduction for further exploration of topics covered in The Five
Videos of The Five Senses
Materials: Videos of the five senses
Carefully peruse the Internet for short (5 minutes or less) videos related to
topics covered in this domain.
Prepare some questions related to the videos.
Discuss how watching a video is the same as and different from listening
to a read-aloud.
Have students ask and answer questions using question words who,
where, and what regarding what they see in the videos.
Playing with Our Senses
Materials: Optical illusions
Select some simple optical illusions for children to observe. What do they
see in each picture? Can they see other pictures? Explain to students
that these pictures are drawn to “trick” the eye, and explain how the
pictures are connected to our ability to see.
Materials: Blindfold
Have students sit in a circle. Blindfold one student, and place him or her
in the center of the circle. Have one student in the circle speak, and ask
the blindfolded student to guess which classmate is speaking and from
which direction the sound is coming.
Materials: Cotton balls; various extracts; zip-top plastic bag
Have students try to identify well-known smells. Soak a cotton ball with
peppermint extract and seal it in a bag. Open the bag for the student to
smell. Ask students to describe what they smell. Try other spice extracts,
such as cinnamon, lemon, and vanilla.