34 The Five Senses: Supplemental Guide 1C | I Use My Eyes to See
- Have students share with their partner if they know how to say see in
a different language. - Ask for volunteers to share how they say eyes and see in a different
Vocabular y Review
- You have heard the word sight before, like in this sentence, “We use
our eyes to see, and our sense of sight helps to keep us safe.” - Sight is the act of seeing and looking at things with your eyes. A sight
is also something you see with your eyes. - Taking turns with your partner, use the word sight in a sentence to tell
about some of your favorite sights. I will call on some of you to share.
Harmful - You have heard the word harmful before, like in this sentence, “Tears
keep your eyes moist and help make harmful things like dirt and small
bugs come out of your eyes.” - Something is harmful if it can hurt someone or something.
- Taking turns with your partner, ask one another whether the action
you say are harmful or not harmful. For example, your partner may
ask, “Is smelling a flower harmful?” And you would answer, “No, that
is not harmful.” Each person can ask three questions.
Purpose for Listening
Ask students to identify the main topic, or idea, of the lesson. Tell
students that this is the second time they will hear this read-aloud, but
it is different from the first time because they will do most of the talking
about their eyes and the sense of sight.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Describe the sense of sight
Provide simple explanations about how the eye works
Describe some ways people take care of their bodies
Describe some ways the sense of sight protects people from harm