Kindergarden - Stories

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

78 Stories: Supplemental Guide 4B | The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids

Extensions 15 minutes

 Sequencing Events (Instructional Master 4B-1)

  • Remind students that the events in a story are called the plot.

  • Review each of the four images on Instructional Master 4B-1. Identify
    the characters, setting, and plot for each image.

  • Have students cut out the four images.

  • Tell students that they will arrange the images in order to show the
    proper sequence of events. (You may wish to choose three images to
    represent beginning, middle, and end for students to sequence.) Tell
    students that when they sequence events, they show what happened
    first, next, and last. This is similar to retelling a story from beginning to
    middle to end.

  • You may wish that students work in small groups or with home
    language peers to retell the folktale as they figure out the sequence.

  • Check to see if students are able to correctly sequence the pictures.
    Once the pictures are correctly sequenced, you may choose to have
    students glue or tape the pictures on paper.

  • As students complete this activity, you may have them retell the
    folktale again, referring to their sequenced pictures.

Domain-Related Trade Book

  • Refer to the list of recommended trade books in the Introduction and
    choose a story to read aloud to the class.

  • Explain to students that the person who wrote the book is called
    the author. Tell students the name of the author of the book. Explain
    to students that the person who makes the pictures for the book is
    called the illustrator. Tell students the name of the illustrator. Show
    students where they can find this information on the cover of the book
    or the title page.

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