Kindergarden - Stories

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

36 Stories: Supplemental Guide 2A | The Three Little Pigs

 Show image 2A-4: Mother pig with her children

  • Tell students that this is the beginning of the story.

  • Point to each little pig as you count to three.

  • Identify the first little pig as the one wearing purple with triangles on
    his sack.

  • Identify the second little pig as the one wearing red with circles on his

  • Identify the third little pig as the one wearing blue with the squares on
    his sack.
     Show image 2A-5: First pig building a straw house

  • Identify the first little pig as the one wearing purple.

  • Ask students to guess what he is doing.
     Show image 2A-1: Straw

  • Tell students that is straw. Straw is dry grass that is sometimes used
    as bedding for animals. Pass around examples of straw.

  • Ask students if this seems like good material to build a house with.
     Show image 2A-6: Second pig building a stick house

  • Identify the second pig as the one wearing red.

  • Ask students to guess what he is doing.
     Show image 2A-2: Sticks

  • Tell students that these are sticks. Ask students where sticks come
    from. Pass around examples of sticks.

  • Ask students if this is good material to build a house with.
     Show image 2A-7: Third pig building a brick house

  • Identify the third pig as the one wearing blue.

  • Ask students to guess what he is doing.
     Show image 2A-3: Bricks

  • Tell students that these are bricks. Bricks are made from clay and
    when the clay dries, the bricks become very hard. Pass around
    examples of bricks.

  • Ask students if this is good material to build a house with.

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