scoliosis book

(laeticia) #1

Physical Therapy

The Schroth Method is a type of physical therapy it is a non-
surgical alternative for treating scoliosis. It uses personalized
exercises to bring the bent spine back to a more normal
position for each patient. Schroth exercises are to de-rotate,
elongate, and stabilize the spine in a 3D plane. This is done
by physical therapy focusing on maintaining muscle balance
and posture alignment, breathing into the body's concave
side, encouraging you to be mindful of your stance. In
scoliosis, the spine rotation is different in each person.
Schroth exercises are made for each particular spine
curvature. The exercises can be completed while sitting,
standing, or lying down. It may also be used to help correct
scoliosis with props such as therapy hoops, sticks, and
Schroth bars.

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