Xanathars Guide To Everything ( PDFDrive )

(coco) #1

d100 Encounter
70 – 73 1 bulette
74 – 77 1 wyvern
78 – 80 2d6 + 10 goats with 1 herder (tribal warrior)
81 – 82 1d3 hill giants
83 – 84 2d4 wereboars
85 – 86 1d4 revenants
87 – 88 1d2 gorgons
89 – 90 1d8 + 1 gnoll fangs of Yeenoghu
91 – 93 1d4 cyclopes
94 – 96 1 young red dragon
97 – 98 1d4 stone giants
99 1d3 young copper dragons
00 1 roc

Hill Encounters (Levels 11–16)

d100 Encounter
01 2d8 manticores or 2d8 phase spiders
02 – 04 1d6 green hags with 1d6 wyverns
05 – 07 1 hobgoblin captain with 1 hill giant and 4d10 hobgoblins
08 – 10 2d6 + 3 werewolves
11 – 14 1d6 + 2 ettins
15 – 18 1d3 bulettes
19 – 22 1d4 werebears
23 – 24 A stream of smoke emerging from a small chimney in the hillside
25 – 28 1d4 wyverns
29 – 32 1d8 + 1 wereboars
33 – 36 1d3 revenants
37 – 38 A mild earthquake that shakes the region for 1d20 seconds
39 – 42 1d3 chimeras
43 – 46 1d4 gorgons
47 – 50 1d6 + 2 gnoll fangs of Yeenoghu
51 – 54 1d4 hill giants
55 – 58 1 young red dragon
59 – 62 1d3 + 1 galeb duhr
63 – 65 2d10 dwarf miners (commoners), whistling as they march toward their mine

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