Xanathars Guide To Everything ( PDFDrive )

(coco) #1

d100 Encounter
66 – 70 1d3 fire giants
71 – 75 2d4 stone giants

76 – 80 A force of 100 dwarves (veterans) standing guard at a mountain pass, permitting no passage until a traveler pays 100 gp (if on foot) or 200 gp (if mounted)

81 – 85 1d4 rocs
86 – 90 1d4 young red dragons
91 – 96 1 ancient silver dragon
97 – 00 1 ancient red dragon

Swamp Encounters

Swamp Encounters (Levels 1–4)

d100 Encounter
01 1d4 poisonous snakes
02 – 05 3d6 rats
06 – 10 2d8 ravens
11 – 12 3d6 giant rats
13 1d10 + 5 tribal warriors
14 – 15 1d8 + 1 giant lizards
16 – 17 1 crocodile
18 – 19 1 swarm of insects
20 1 giant spider
21 – 22 1d4 + 1 mud huts partially sunken in murky water
23 – 25 2d8 + 1 kobolds
26 2d4 mud mephits
27 – 29 1d6 + 2 giant poisonous snakes
30 2d4 winged kobolds
31 – 32 1 scout

33 – 34 The corpse of an adventurer tangled in the weeds. Looting the body turns up explorer’s pack and perhaps (50% chance) a random common magic item. an

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