Xanathars Guide To Everything ( PDFDrive )

(coco) #1

d100 Encounter
03 1d3 giant lizards
04 2d4 giant fire beetles
05 1d8 + 1 flumphs
06 1 shrieker
07 1d12 giant rats
08 2d4 kobolds
09 1d8 + 1 stirges

10 2d4 humans (tribal warriors) seeking the way to the surface, fleeing their oppressors Underdark

11 – 12 1d10 troglodytes
13 – 14 1d2 gray oozes
15 – 16 3d6 stirges
17 – 18 1d3 magma mephits
19 – 20 1d10 goblins

21 – 22 Orc graffiti on the walls, suggesting something rude about the mothernamed Krusk of someone

23 – 24 1 swarm of insects
25 1 deep gnome
26 – 28 1d8 + 1 drow
29 – 30 1d4 violet fungi
31 – 32 1d12 kuo-toa
33 1 rust monster
34 – 35 A rubble-strewn passage that appears to have been recently cleared after a cave-in
36 – 37 1d8 + 1 giant bats
38 – 39 3d6 kobolds
40 – 41 2d4 grimlocks
42 – 43 1d4 + 3 swarms of bats
44 1 dwarf prospector (scout) looking for gold
45 1 carrion crawler or 1 gelatinous cube
46 1d8 darkmantles or 2d4 piercers
47 1 hell hound
48 1d3 specters
49 1d4 bugbears
50 1d10 + 5 winged kobolds
51 1d4 fire snakes
52 2d8 + 1 troglodytes

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