Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1
Skills: Negotiation 1, Ranged (Heavy) 2, Ranged
(Light) 2, Vigilance 1.
Talents: None.
Abilities: None.
Equipment: Heavy blaster pistol (Ranged [Light];
Damage 7; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Stun setting),
vibroknife (Melee; Damage 3; Critical 3; Range [En-
gaged]; Pierce 2, Vicious 1).


A step up from a simple thug, an enforcer is a bit more
trained and intelligent in the application of brute force.
To avoid excessive expense in training such individuals,
as well as to inspire fear in those they need intimidat-
ed, criminal figures tend to look for imposing beings
with significant physical might to fill these slots. Camor-
reans are common, of course, as are Aqualish and
Wookiees, but Barabels are particularly feared
because their reptilian
appearance inspires
a deep, primal fear
in many mammali-
an species. Barabels are an intelligent
species, but often seem otherwise be-
cause of their halting command of Basic
and their seemingly primitive social cus-
toms. Their physical strength is prodi-
gious, however, and they also enjoy ad
significant amount of natural armor thajj
protects them from many threats, making
them ideal enforcers to send into danger-
ous situations.

melee weapons, but just as many choose to rely
upon their natural weapons, either teeth or claws.

Skills: Brawl 3, Cool 2, Coordination 2, Melee 3,
Ranged (Light) 2, Stealth 3, Vigilance 2.
Talents: Adversary 3 (upgrade difficulty of all combat
checks against this target three times), Deadly Accu-
racy (adds his ranks in Brawl to all damage inflicted
with claws), Lethal Blows 2 (adds +20 to Critical In-
jury rolls against opponents).
Abilities: Light-Sensitive (Defel are vulnerable to bright
lights, which cause them intense pain and temporary
blindness if viewed without protection. A Defel exposed
to bright light without protective goggles suffers two Set-
back dice on all skill checks.), Shad-
owed (Defel possess the ability to
absorb certain wavelengths of
light, making them all but invis-
ible in darkness. When in dark-
ness or deep shadow, a Defel
gains two Boost dice to all
Stealth checks.).
Equipment: Blaster
pistol (Ranged [Light];
Damage 6; Critical
3; Range [Medium];
Stun setting), claws
(Brawl; Damage 7;
Critical 3; Range

Skills: Ranged (Heavy) 1. Melee 2, Perception 1,
Survival 2, Vigilance 1.
Talents: None.
Abilities: None.
Equipment: Blaster carbine (Ranged [Heavy]; Darh':
age 9; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Stun setting), combat
knife (Melee; Damage 5; Critical 3; Range [Engaged]).


Murder for hire is a thriving business in galactic so-
ciety and those who need the utmost in discretion
or who require the death of a particularly cautious
or protected target choose to pay for a Defel
assassin. The Defel are bestial in appear-
ance, and are consummate hunters and
predators. They are masters of infiltration,
stealth, and sudden bouts of vicious but
silent violence. Many choose to train in a variety of


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