Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1

The most frequently encountered droid of this type is
the Bl battle droid produced by Baktoid Combat Au-
tomata. A generation ago, these frail-looking droids
were the terror of the galaxy. Legions of them formed
the Separatist armies during the Clone Wars but the
intervening years have not been kind to their design,
which was inexpensive to begin with. Although no rep-
utable military still employs these droids in number,
they can be found in limited quantities in the forces of
crime lords, mercenaries, and various other ne'er-do-
wells throughout the underbelly of the galaxy.

Skills (group only): Ranged (Heavy).
Talents: None.
Abilities: Droid (does not need to breathe, eat, or
drink and can survive in vacuum or underwater. Im-
mune to poisons or toxins.).
Equipment: Blaster rifle (Ranged [Heavy]; Damage 9;
Critical 3; Range [Long], Stun setting).


Illegal virtually everywhere in the known galaxy, assassin
droids are sophisticated killing machines that combine
physical acumen with the mental faculties to apply it in
a variety of different circumstances. Most importantly,
however, these droids are designed without the univer-
sal restrictions that prevent droids from taking action
against organic life. While they are incredibly deadly to
those whom they are set to hunt, assassin droids are
equally dangerous to those who create or employ
them. These droids simply have no recognition of the
value of life, and will destroy
anyone or anything in their
path if doing so benefits
them in some way.

Skills: Coercion 3, Computers 4, Gunnery 5, Mechan-
ics 3, Melee 3, Ranged (Heavy) 5, Ranged (Light) 5,
Piloting (Planetary) 3, Piloting (Space) 3, Vigilance 2.
Talents: Adversary 2 (upgrade difficulty of all combat
checks against this target twice), Barrage 3 (add three
to the damage of all Gunnery or Ranged attacks at me-
dium or long range). Point Blank 3 (add 3 damage to all
Ranged (Heavy) or Ranged (Light) attacks made at short
or engaged range).
Abilities: Droid (does not need to breathe, eat, or
drink and can survive in vacuum or underwater. Im-
mune to poisons or toxins.).
Equipment: Light repeating blaster (Ranged [Heavy];
Damage 11; Critical 3; Range [Long]; Auto-fire, Cumber-
some 4, Pierce 1), built-in light blaster pistol (Ranged
[Light]; Damage 5; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Stun
Setting), built-in missile tube (Gunnery; Damage 20;
Critical 3; Range [Extreme]; Blast 10. Breach 1, Cum-
bersome 3, Guided 3, Limited Ammo 6), built in razor-
claws (Melee; Damage 6; Critical 4; Range [Engaged]).


A common sight throughout the galaxy, astromech
droids such as the famous R2 series are relatively small,
utilitarian droids designed to interface with and maintain
machinery of varying complexities depending upon the
model of the droid. Many technologies are designed
with these sorts of droids in mind, and have sockets to
allow a direct interface with the droid. Some ships are
even designed with the intent of offloading certain com-
puting functions to an interfaced droid (for example,
some starfighters rely on interfaced astromech droids to
serve as a navicomputers for hyperspace travel).

Skills: Astrogation 3, Computers 3, Cool 2, Mechan-
ics 2, Piloting (Space) 2.
Talents: None.
Abilities: Droid (does not need to breathe, eat, or
drink and can survive in vacuum or underwater. Im-
mune to poisons or toxins.).
Equipment: Arc welder (Melee; Damage 3; Critical
-; Range (Engaged); Stun Damage), built-in repair
tools (counts as tool kit).
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