12 cleaneating.com JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2019
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Meet Our Experts
Rebecca Binik
Professional chef and recipe developer
for this issue’s “3 Ways With,” page 16.
She resides in Montreal, Canada.
marianne wren BA, CC
As both a recipe developer and food
stylist, Wren has worked with print and
advertising clients. She completed her
culinary training at Dubrulle French
Culinary School and The Culinary
Institute of America.
heather bainbridge
Certified dietitian-nutritionist and
registered dietitian who specializes
in counseling clients to achieve
a healthier weight and improve
conditions including type 2 diabetes
and heart disease.
erin macdonald RDN
tiffani bachus RDN
Clean Eating Academy instructors,
co-owners of the U Rock Girl nutrition
and training program (URockGirl.com),
registered dietitians and nutrition,
fitness and wellness experts.
jonny bowden PhD, CNS
Board-certified nutrition specialist,
motivational speaker, author and
expert in the areas of weight loss
and health.
pamela salzman BA, MBA
Clean Eating’s Contributing Culinary
Nutritionist, Clean Eating Academy
instructor, natural foods cooking
instructor and holistic health counselor.
Her blog, pamelasalzman.com,
offers healthful recipes and
time-saving tips.
jill silverman hough
Recipe developer, culinary instructor
and author of the 100 Perfect Pairings
series and co-author of The Clean
Plates Cookbook (Running Press, 2012).
james smith MBA
Clean Eating Academy instructor
and Tourism and Hospitality chair
at Fanshawe College with more
than 25 years of experience. He
completed his culinary training at
George Brown College.
Insta Love ♥
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Q/ What can I do with my extra fresh herbs that isn’t making
a pesto?
A/ In the food business, most chefs abide by the rule, “first in, first out.”
Delicate grocery items like fresh herbs should be the first items used after
purchase to maximize flavor, but there always seems to be leftovers.
Whipping up an herbed ghee to add to plain proteins and starches can
elevate dishes and be an impressive yet simple method to make use of the
remaining greens. Rosemary, thyme, marjoram, lovage, chervil, savory and
flat-leaf or curly parsley all work beautifully. But stay away from basil, mint
and cilantro. Basil bruises too easily, while mint and cilantro don’t fit the
flavor profile. For ½ cup of ghee, use 2 tbsp of potent rosemary, thyme,
marjoram and lovage. Increase to 3 to 4 tbsp for parsley and savory. Stir
chopped herbs into softened ghee then refrigerate until ready to use.
PRO TIP: Always wrap fresh herbs in paper towel before returning them to the fridge.
The paper towel will absorb the extra moisture and keep them fresh for longer.
Oh My Gourd!
Turkey & Mushroom Ragu–Stuffed
Acorn Squash, a perfect fall meal!
Bountiful Bowl
Here we have the Swiss Chard & Curried
Chickpea Salad as seen on the cover of the
Nov/Dec issue of Clean Eating magazine.