The world is collectively trying to manage a health crisis, and families and businesses are suffering. Quality customer service has never
been more important to your business. Your customers need to feel taken care of, now more than ever.
UUUnlike events that a ect a single customer, a crisis a ects nlike events that a ect a single customer, a crisis a ects
many, if not all of your customers, and requires public
communication wherein your team speaks in a single voice.
Creating a well-documented and e cient crisis management
process means accounting for all scenarios, gathering input
from all relevant stakeholders, and de ning how and when
to communicate with customers as a cohesive unit. Just as
important as the plan, is a team that’s trained to implement it
and hold themselves accountable.
WWWe all know customer service is often the rst line of e all know customer service is often the rst line of
defense when it comes to a company’s reputation. In times
of crisis, your customer-facing sta can also be the most
Communicate With Customers
One of the best ways to build con dence and trust during
di cult times is to proactively communicate what’s
happening and how you are reacting to it. is lets your
customers know that you’re on top of the situation. Provide
updates to any process changes and respond to any inquiries
in a timely fashion. Alternatively, poor communication can
destroy trust you may have previously earned. No news is
generally not considered good news if a customer is awaiting
an answer to their question, claim or issue.
Prepare and Care
In the initial stages of a crisis, it can be a scramble for your
front-line sta to understand what’s happening and how to
respond. As soon as possible, one or more people need to step
out of the queue to focus on enabling the rest of the team.
Prepare clear, concise messaging and share it promptly
with all customer-facing employees. Detail the current impact
of the crisis on your business, if any, outline any process
changes and set expectations for when information will be
WWWhatever shared inbox or help desk system you use, hatever shared inbox or help desk system you use,
it likely o ers features to allow for faster, more consistent
service, and that extra help is critical in a crisis. Take those
prepared messages and move them into your customer service
software. Saved replies should generally be broken down into
logical pieces so that your customer-facing employees can
combine only the relevant sections into a personalized answer
for the customer. Be sure to give your template messages a
useful name, something like “COVID-claim,” that helps you
quickly nd them when you need them.
Avoid Public Tongue Lashings
In the past, frustrated consumers may have groused about
their situation to family and friends, maybe even vowed never
In a crisis, it can be a scramble for your front-line staff
to understand what’s happening and how to respond.
Shops must take all steps necessary to
maintain their reputation. An open ear and
a sympathetic tone may be all it takes to
resolve the vast majori of consumer-
related issues. How do you show your
customers (or potential customers)
that you care, even behind a mask?
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Naresh Jariwala