- Butterflies may seem delicate, but they are
surprisingly tough. The monarch’s crisp col-
oring is what makes it turn heads, but the
creature’s greatest feat is its annual migra-
tion, which takes it from southern Mexico to
the Canadian border. Over the last several
decades, however, the insect’s population has
fallen nearly 90 percent due to habi tat loss. Yet
there’s reason to hope: It lays up to 400 eggs in
one sitting, so small conservation efforts have
been enough to prevent it from going extinct.
The fluttery specimen on the cover is taxi-
dermied, which allowed photography duo The
Voorhes to pose it just right. Construction rub-
ble from around their neighborhood in Austin,
Texas, completed the scene, along with an over-
head light and a sky-blue backdrop. The pair
used photo-editing software to add clouds and
some finishing touches, transforming the tiny
setup into a triumphant portrait of resilience.
POPULAR SCIENCE magazine, Vol. 292, No. 4 (ISSN 161-7370, USPS 577-250), is published quarterly by Bonnier Corp., 480 North Orlando Ave., Suite 236, Winter Park, FL 32789. Copyright ©2020 by Bonnier Corp. All rights reserved. Reprinting in whole or part is forbidden except by permission of Bonnier Corp. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to POPULAR SCIENCE, P.O. Box 6364, Harlan, IA 51593-1864. Periodicals postage paid
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