
(Maria Cristina Aguiar) #1
The practice of Shrinrin-yoku – forest bathing – is
a much-loved ritual in the Japanese calendar. In
this guide, sweetly illustrated by Lieke van der
Vost, Choukas-Bradley explains how ditching the
demands of daily life for a couple of hours and letting
ourselves fully engage with the sights and sounds of
nature can leave us refreshed and rejuvenated. All
that’s needed is a small patch of untamed wildness

  • the aim is not to stomp for miles, but to savour
    the treasures of the season slowly – and let a
    world of falling leaves, oaks and acorns, remind
    us of “the excitement of migration and the pull of
    hearth and home”. (Rock Point)

Japanese wisdom inThe Joy Of Forest Bathing
by Melanie Choukas-Bradley

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Counting down to
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