
(Maria Cristina Aguiar) #1


o one wants cold feet. Few
things are as miserable as
exposed and chilly toes when
the temperature drops. Thank
goodness then, for socks. They are what
you reach for when you want an instant
hit of wrap-around warmth and comfort.
Keep your extremities toasty and the rest
of the body will follow. Tights have their
place in the winter wardrobe but they just
don’t have the snug appeal of socks.
These days socks are mostly worn
beneath trousers, but this was not always
the case. During the Middle Ages, men
wore socks that covered most of their leg
and were held up by fancy garters.
Malvolio’s cross-gartered yellow
stockings in Twelfth Night are an
extreme and foolish example of this.
They were also a status symbol –
knitting a sock is no easy thing and, until
the invention of the knitting machine in
1589 (by an English clergyman, William
Lee), they were made by hand and
bought solely by the rich. The arrival of
machine knitting meant socks were
produced six times faster and subsequently
gained in popularity. So popular, in fact,
that sock police, stationed at the gates of
London, checked legs on entry for the





Karolina wool terry socks | £18
The spirit of Nordic folklore with
you right there on your feet.

Women’s Sailor socks | £6
Because we all love a nautical stripe.
Made from wonderfully soft bamboo.

Avocado socks | £3
One for the millennials. Matching
socks featuring sourdough toast
not available. monki.com

wrong sort of hosiery, rather like night
club doormen in the 1980s.
The introduction of nylon and
elastane in the 19th century meant
that socks, which we take so much for
granted now, finally became available
to all. No longer made just from wool,
they were produced in a variety of
stronger and more elastic materials,
and had the added benefit of being able
to stay up on their own.
The modern-day wearing of socks
beneath trousers can present an
opportunity to display a f lash of
something interesting between shoe
and hem: there are many patterned
and novelty socks to choose from.
Knee-high socks worn with a skirt is
another option, although it has a
schoolgirl look about it, so should be
worn with care.
For the ultimate in comfort,
however, little can beat a pair of
cashmere socks. Central heating and
electric blankets mean that bed socks
are no longer strictly necessary but
pulling on a pair of soft cashmere
socks has the same effect. It’s sofawear
at its most luxurious and what every
foot really wants.

“A chance to display a f lash

of something interesting

between shoe and hem” PHOTOGRAPHY: GETTY IMAGES

Socks, good; coy
schoolgirl pose,
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