Food Network Magazine - (10)October 2020

(Comicgek) #1

Cut a wide hole in the bottom of a pumpkin and
scoop out the seeds and flesh. Using a pen, trace the
inside of different-size star cookie cutters onto the
pumpkin in a random pattern. Place each cookie cutter
on the corresponding shape and tap lightly with a
rubber mallet until it cuts through the pumpkin.

Cut a wide hole in the bottom of a pumpkin and
scoop out the seeds and flesh. Using a pen, trace
the inside of a one-inch round cookie cutter onto
the pumpkin so it forms a band around the middle,
then trace the inside of progressively smaller
cookie cutters to form bands above and below.
Place each cookie cutter on the corresponding
shape and tap lightly with a rubber mallet until
it cuts through the pumpkin.

Ateco 4 Piece
Stainless Steel
Round Cutters
Set, $12;


Free download pdf