xviii Contributors
Donald K. Freedheim, PhD
Department of Psychology
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
Alfred H. Fuchs, PhD
Department of Psychology
Bowdoin College
Brunswick, Maine
George J. Greene, MA
Department of Psychology
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
J. Thomas Grisso, PhD
Department of Psychiatry
University of Massachusetts Medical Center
Worcester, Massachusetts
Rachel T. Hare-Mustin, PhD
Amherst, Massachusetts
Erin P. Hayes, MA
Department of Psychology at Chicago
University of Illinois
Chicago, Illinois
Ira Iscoe, PhD
Department of Psychology
University of Texas
Austin, Texas
Adelbert M. Jenkins, PhD
Department of Psychology
New York University
New York, New York
James G. Kelly, PhD
Department of Psychology
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
Ellen B. Kimmel, PhD
Department of Psychological and Social Foundations
of Education
University of South Florida
Tampa, Florida
Laura L. Koppes, PhD
Department of Psychology
Eastern Kentucky University
Richmond, Kentucky
Thomas Hardy Leahey, PhD
Department of Psychology
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, Virginia
Brendan A. Maher, PhD
Department of Psychology
Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Winifred B. Maher, PhD
Extension Studies
Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts
George Mandler, PhD
Department of Psychology
University of California at San Diego
San Diego, California
Department of Psychology
University College
London, England
Jeanne Marecek, PhD
Department of Psychology
Swarthmore College
Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
Joseph D. Matarazzo, PhD
Department of Behavioral Neuroscience
Oregon Health Sciences University Medical School
Portland, Oregon
Thomas V. McGovern, PhD
Department of Integrative Studies
Arizona State University West
Phoenix, Arizona
Teresa Mendonca McIntyre, PhD
Department of Psychology
Universidade do Minho
Braga, Portugal
Katharine S. Milar, PhD
Department of Psychology
Earlham College
Richmond, Indiana
Jill G. Morawski, PhD
Department of Psychology
Wesleyan University
Middletown, Connecticut