Organizations and Activism 261
psychological knowledge about women. Despite much skepti-
cism and covert resistance in the APA, the division, Division
35, was formally approved in 1973 (see below).
The AWP did not dissolve with the establishment of the
division; instead, it continued to exist as a parallel organiza-
tion independent of the APA. Its activities continued to focus
on efforts to reshape the APA. In addition, its members en-
deavored to devise methods to govern themselves that did not
recapitulate the hierarchical structures of the organizations
they were trying to change (Tiefer, 1991). Most important,
the AWP provided a venue for sharing feminist ideas and
knowledge and for supporting and mentoring its members.
For example, the AWP provided lesbian psychologists their
earliest organizational home. In 1973, the organization ex-
panded its by-laws to incorporate the following statement of
purpose: “Helping women create individual sexual identities
through which they may freely and responsibly express
themselves, provided such expression does not oppress other
individuals” (AWP newsletter, 1973, p. 1).
The AWP has sustained itself to the present, with a na-
tional and international membership that includes individuals
from psychology and related disciplines. The AWP holds an-
nual national conventions, as well as regional meetings, and
initiates and funds numerous projects.
The Society for the Psychology of Women
of the American Psychological Association
(Division 35)
The Society for the Psychology of Women (formerly called
the Division of the Psychology of Women) has the purpose of
“promoting research and the study of women, and encourag-
ing the integration of this information about women with cur-
rent psychological knowledge and beliefs in order to apply
the gained knowledge to the society and its institutions”
(American Psychological Association Division of the Psy-
chology of Women, 1989, p. 1).
The mission of Division 35 is multidimensional
(Mednick & Urbanski, 1991). Its founders viewed social ac-
tion research as important. They also recognized that in order
to influence the discipline and society, the field of the psy-
chology of women and gender had to become a recognized
academic field. The division has also supported the develop-
ment of clinical knowledge and principles of clinical practice
consistent with feminist ideals. Another important goal has
been placing women in leadership positions in the APA gov-
ernance structure. The division’s representatives to APA’s
governing Council of Representatives formed a Women’s
Caucus in the Council. This caucus has supported proposals
that furthered the interests of women and minority groups.
The division established a peer-reviewed journal,Psychol-
ogy of Women Quarterly,in 1976. The journal has come to oc-
cupy a visible and respected position. By 1999, it ranked 16th
out of 109 psychology journals in terms of the number of
times its articles were cited in scholarly publications. Division
35 also sponsors a program of formal and informal sessions
and social events at the annual APA convention, continuing-
education workshops on teaching and other topics, and a
yearly midwinter conference. In addition, the division gives
annual awards for excellence in feminist research, practice,
and service. In 1993, the division organized the first National
Conference on Education and Training in Feminist Practice
(defined broadly to include research, writing, clinical prac-
tice, clinical supervision, and leadership), held in Boston.
Shaping the Future of Feminist Psychology (Worell &
Johnson, 1997) is a summation of the conference.
Division 35 was one of the first divisions that gave prior-
ity to including psychologists from racial, ethnic, and other
minority groups in its membership. It also took steps to
assure that its leadership represented the diversity of women
in psychology. The division has also worked to ensure that
women from ethnic minority groups were considered for
leadership positions in the APA. It has supported APA activi-
ties that advance the interests of racial and ethnic minorities
and their full representation within organized psychology.
The division has had a Section on Women of Color for many
years; among other activities, the section has promoted re-
search on and by women of color.
The APA Committee on Women in Psychology
The Committee on Women in Psychology (CWP) began as
the task force headed by Helen Astin in 1970; it was accorded
status as a continuing committee of the APA in 1973. The
committee has worked to increase the visibility of scholar-
ship on women and gender, highlight the contributions of
women in psychology, end discrimination against women
psychologists, and promote leadership by women. More
broadly, the committee has worked to promote the psycho-
logical well-being of women. The CWP has actively pursued
its goals through symposia, conferences, task forces, and li-
aisons with government agencies and professional groups.
The CWP annually makes awards to women who have been
distinguished leaders in psychology.
The APA Women’s Programs Office
The volume and magnitude of the projects initiated by the
CWP in its early years quickly exceeded what a volunteer com-
mittee could accomplish. In response, the APA established the