
(Elle) #1

518 International Psychology

The first International Congress
of Physiological Psychology
took place in Paris, eight years
after Polish psychologist Julian
Ochorowicz first proposed
holding such a meeting.
The first International Congress
on Hypnotism took place in

The Moscow Psychological
Society was established with a
membership of medical doctors,
philosophers, and physiologists
interested in psychological issues.










William James founded the
first U.S. demonstration
laboratory of psychology
equipment at Harvard
University in conjunction
with the course he taught on
the relationship between
physiology and psychology.
The first Italian laboratory
for work in psychology was
established in the Liceo
di Mantova.
Wilhelm Wundt established
the first psychology
laboratory at the University
of Leipzig.
G. Stanley Hall founded the
first formal U.S. psychology
laboratory at The Johns
Hopkins University. The
University Trustees allocated
$250 for space and
equipment but, due to
campus politics, prohibited
calling the facility a
Influenced by Darwin’s
theories, Sir Fancis Galton
set up an anthropometric
laboratory that conducted
measurements of the physical
and mental characteristics of
nearly 10,000 persons.
Vladimir S. Bekhterev
founded Russia’s first
laboratory of experimental
psychology at the University
of Kazan.
Alfred Lehman, an engineer
who studied with Wundt,
opened the Psychophysical
Laboratory (renamed the
Psychological Laboratory in
1924) at the University of
Yujiro Motora gave the first
psychology lecture in Japan
at Tokyo University.
The French government
established the country’s first
psychological laboratory.

Mind,the first philosophical
psychology journal, began publication
in Britian.

The first Russian psychology journal,
Problems of Philosophy and
Psychology,was published.

TABLE 25.1 (Continued)

Congresses Societies Events Publications
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