
(Elle) #1
Chronology of Milestones in International Psychology 527

The first Symposium of the
International Society for the
Study of Behavior Development
took place in Nijmegen, the
The first Arab Conference of
Psychology took place in Cairo.

The first Interamerican
Congress of Clinical
Psychology was held in Porto
Alegre, Brazil.
The first Latin American
Conference on Training in
Psychology convened in
Bogotá, Colombia, with support
from UNESCO and the
International Union of
Psychological Science.
The African Conference on
Child Rearing took place in
Yaounde, Cameroon, with
support from the International
Union of Psychological
Science, UNESCO, and the
Population Council.

Cheiron, the International Society
for the History of the Behavioral
and Social Sciences, held its
organizational meeting at
New York University.
The Hong Kong Psychological
Society was founded.

The Psychological Society of
Ireland was established.

The International Association of
Cross-Cultural Psychology was
founded at the Association’s first
Congress in Hong Kong.

The Cuban Society of Psychology
of Health was founded.

The International Federation of
Psychological Medical
Organizations was established.








The Netherlands Institute of
Psychology provided support
to Czech and Slovak
psychologists who, following
the Soviet occupation of their
country, remained in
Amsterdam after the
International Congress of
Applied Psychology.

The Brazilian government
established by law a National
Council of Psychology and
eight Regional Councils
charged with monitoring the
practice of psychology.
The Norwegian government
established the law regulating
the profession of psychology.
The USSR Academy of
Sciences Presidium issued
Resolution #1076 to establish
the Institute of Psychology in

The Qatar College of
Education introduced
psychology as a separate
The University of Zimbabwe
established the country’s first
chair of professional

The first Psychology
Department was established
at Makerere University in
Kampala, Uganda.

TheEuropean Journal of Social
Psychologywas founded.

(continued )

TABLE 25.1 (Continued)

Congresses Societies Events Publications
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