Copy of How I Saved Zeus

(Shifty) #1

It had been several days since Ares had come and everyone seemed to be
training 24/7. Me included. I guess in P.E. i was a bit better than the others but i didn't
know all of the things i could do. For example, I can chuck a 200 pound beam 50 yards.
But that isn't even the craziest thing.One day me and Erebus were walking in the woods
and we saw a panther stalking a deer the panther got the deer and dragged it up a tree.
But then it noticed us. It jumped out of the tree and slowly started coming towards us.
We started backing up slowly but then we ran into a big boulder. We were trapped.
The panther seized it’s chance and leaped. I closed my eyes and Erebus put his
arms tightly around me trying to get me behind him. But when my hand touched the
panthers fur it fell limp midair and crashed into us. Me and Erebus held tightly onto one
another for a bit and I opened my eyes. The panther was dead. I had killed it by
touching it with just my mere finger tip. I didn't tell Erebus as we walked silently back to
the house. Neither of us talked about the peculiar things that had just happened. Right
when I got inside I found an old pair of leather gloves and put them on. They fit well. But
right when my fingers touched them they went from a bright orange to black. This had
been happening to all of my clothes.
Erebus walked in and I saw him glance at my gloves but he didn't say anything.
He sat down on the big green couch and I walked over to sit next to him. He put his
hand in mine and now I know why he never took off his gloves. I noticed them when i
first met him but it didn't seem that important. “Yours is stronger than mine.” he said
quietly. “Mine only kills smaller things. Yours can kill larger things.” he looked up at me
and continued, “In Ancient books it says you can kill people without even touching them.
But then again it also says ​ Zeus ​ fears you and I'm pretty sure he likes you.”
Well he better be right about that because it would be pretty weird if i was going
to go and save someone who hates me.

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