Copy of How I Saved Zeus

(Shifty) #1

I had decided to go to school the next day and I had worked my butt off on that
25 page essay. And guess what? I wrote 26! So when the school bell rang I left the
school and was turning the corner when I saw ​ them. ​ The worst people in the entire
school. And they were blocking the way to the zoo. I stood the tallest I could stand and
walked forward. I wasn't going to let these jerks push me around. They turned around
and saw me coming. The boy whispered something to the girls and they charged at me.
They kicked me in the shins with their high heels, they cut my lip with their long
manicured nails and with their tacky spray on tan they beat me to the ground. Then they
Walked away snickering like the devils they are. My eyes were blurry and I felt ready to
pass out. I knew who could help me. I walked towards the zoo and when I got there I
paid my fee with the lady staring at me. I limped to the tiger cage in the back corner and
saw him. When I got closer he noticed me. Erebus ran towards me just as I was falling
over and caught me. “What happened?!” he asked as he helped me find my way to a
bench. “Mean...Girls...” I replied still out of breath. Then everything went black.

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