Copy of How I Saved Zeus

(Shifty) #1

I woke up in the same room with Erebos looking down at me. “You blacked out
again.” he said. “Well no duh i blacked out. You just told me I'm a goddess and that my
favorite cat friend and you are gods.”
“Well i didn’t really mean for it to come out so quickly like that..” He said looking
down. “Well i’m glad you at least told me and didn’t keep it a secret.'' I responded with a
slight smile. “Well I'm guessing you will want to meet the others. Follow me.” he said,
walking to the doorway and waving his hand gesturing that I should follow. I got up and
followed him outside wincing when the bright sunlight hit my eyes. “Over there is
Demitrus and Hermes,” he said pointing to two boys looking about twelve and thirteen.
“And over there is Demeter, Hera, And tyche.” He said pointing to three girls looking
about the age of nine ten and eleven. “Why are we so much older then the others?” I
asked thinking aloud. “Well, Most of the older one’s live in places that are in greater
threat, Like Hati, Japan, China, South and North Korea, and so on.” Erebus said in
response. “Also they thought we would be enough to protect zeus.”. “What do you mean
to protect him? There's something you're not telling me isn't there?” I said abruptly,
coming to a halt. “Okay. there is something we weren't going to tell you but i guess you
figured it out.” He said stopping. “Ares broke out of our detention facility.” he said,
looking me straight in the eye. “What?! You let him go!?” I said to him in an angry
manner. “Hold on that's not even the worst part.” he said looking down again. “Well?
What is it? What’s the worst part?” i said curiously, forgetting my anger.
“He got ​ zeus ​.”
He put his arms around me as I started to crumple down and said “It's okay, We’ll
get him back” but truthfully I couldn't even hear any of the comforting things he was
saying as he led me back inside. All I could hear was the beating of my own heart.
Thump, thump, thump. ​Then all I could think about was how Zeus’s might not be doing
that. All I could see was him chained up and scared looking at me with those big blue
eyes. Then I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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