Australian Gourmet Traveller - (01)January 2019-December 2018 (1)

(Comicgek) #1

How I eat


You’ve now hosted Eurovision for SBS for
many years, from various locations. Any
particularly challengingmoments?In our
first year, in Moscow in 2009, we didn’t
know the lay of the land. Every day, we
were refused entry to the stadium and
had to talk our way in via our interpreter.
There was just me, my co-host Sam Pang,
our director Paul Clarke and Andy Topp,
our incredible one-man crew doing camera
and sound. The four of us would lug
camera cases around the stadium to
a “new” entry point every day. I think
they were playing with us.

Of all the places you’ve broadcast from,
which country has the best food?The
reality of the Eurovision job is that we
ate pretty average food backstage in the
stadium or at the hotel. There’s not
a lot of time for fancy meals. We ate some
delicious food in Baku, Azerbaijan by
the bay. And Sweden always had the
healthiest backstage food.

Is there a meal that will stay with you
forever?Smørrebrød in Copenhagen.
I adore it. Rye bread, egg, salmon, roast
beef, frikadeller, with a beer and an
aquavit chaser. It’s the eternal picnic.

How did it feel to host the first oicial
Sydney dinner for French President
Emmanuel Macron?Surreal. It was one
of the few jobs I’ve had where I was able
to use French and English. I was given
licence to be cheeky. During the breaks,
the French officials kept saying how much
they were enjoying how relaxed it was.
Macron was attentive and laughed easily,
and allowed me to take a selfie with him
at the end of the night.

Do you have any standout memories
from your time as a judge onGreat BBQ
Challenge?That you actually can’t cook
everything on a barbecue. Some things
need an oven. Like cakes.●

ForRocKwiz Livetour dates,
All Together Nowairs on
Channel Seven on Sundays.
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