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Blue RibbonsSUGARCRAFT``````29 Walton Road, East Molesey, Surrey KT8 0DH T: 020 8941 1591E: W: & Secure``````Corteil & BarrattServing the world of cake for over 30 yearsComplete range of sugarcraft / cake decoratingmaterials and equipmentDemonstrations, shop courses and classes availableCake stand & tin hireCelebration cakes made to orderLarge selection of wedding favoursWe offer a large selection of sugar flowers to tradeand retail customers at very competitive prices.40 HIGH STREET • EWELL VILLAGEEPSOM • SURREY KT17 1RWTel/Fax: 020 8393 0032 DISCOUNT • MAIL ORDER SERVICETHAME``````WINDSOR- Cake Decorating Supplies & Accessories- Park free and easily at our shop- We serve the Slough, Windsor and Maidenhead area- In-house Classes and Tin and Stand Hire- 01753 865682-``````SUGAR ARTISTRY``````For all yoursugarcraft andcake decoratingrequirements.Call in for somefriendly service& advice.``````449-451 Ashley RoadParkstonePoole BH14 0AXTel: 01202 716286``````POOLE``````Dummies Direct 0121 778 4692``````Dummies from high qualitypolystyrene in all shapes and sizesDummies DirectLEICESTERSHIRE``````Sugar & IceLEICESTERSHIRE’SLARGESTCAKEDECORATINGSPECIALISTTin/stand hire • edible photoplaques • sugarcraft classesequipment salesWedding & Celebration Cakes -made to orderNEW BIGGER PREMISES NOWAT COALVILLE24 Hotel St, Coalville LE67 3EP01530 8172103-5 Cyril St, Leicester LE3 2FF0116 263 0846@sugarandiceleic``````DEVONICING ON THE TOP& CROSS PATCH``````Specialists in sugarcraft equipmentand decorations. Tin and stand hire.Classes7 Ladysmith Road • Lipson • Plymouth01752 252836``````Well worth a visit``````DUMMIES``````ESSEX``````67-69 VICTORIAROADROMFORD• ESSEXRM1 2LTTEL: 01708 761727``````Specialists in cakes,silk flowers, equipment,lessons, favours direct from:PARTY CAKESBACK ISSUESApril 2015 May 2015 June 2015``````For digital and paper back issues go to http://www.cake-craft.comPrevious issues are also available on our website``````£5.20 inc p&p per back issue copy (UK only), Europe £7.70 inc p&p, RoW £8.70 inc p&p.COMPLETE YOUR COLLECTION...Go towww.cake-craft.comand for just £5.95 + p&pyou can treat yourself to aCake Craft & Decoration12 issue binder``````WANT TO KEEP YOUR BACK ISSUES INGREAT CONDITION?``````Pg 82_Pg 77 08/05/2015 13:00 Page 1CambridgeshireBlue RibbonsSUGARCRAFT29 Walton Road, East Molesey, Surrey KT8 0DH T: 020 8941 1591E: W: & Secure``````DUDLEY``````CHESHIRE``````CAKE DECORATING EQUIPMENT COURSES``````DERBYSHIRE``````CRAZY ABOUTCAKECRAFTFor all your sugarcraft equipmentContact:1 New Beetwell StreetChesterfield • Derbyshire S40 1QR01246 234853``````CUTTERS``````Manufacturers of Fine Quality Metal Cutters suitable for Sugarcraft and Cold PorcelainOver 300 designsFor a brochure or more details pleaseTel 01202 659760 or Fax 01202 659133Email: Moor Road • Broadstone • Dorset BH18 8AZor check out our website ~ to the trade onlyWe are expanding our customer base - contact us now for details of our rangeFRAMARFRAMAR CUTTERS LTD CUTTERS LTDCameo CakecraftSUGARCRAFT SUPERMARKETUnit 4 , Park Entrance Business Centre, Vittoria Street,Birkenhead Merseyside CH41 4EZT: 0151 647 1697Largest sugarcraft shop on the Wirralhttp://www.cameo-cakes.comSugar DesignT:01353 776085 M:07932``````Sugar Designoffers sugar craft courses at all levels frombeginners to advanced. We specialise in the creation of lifelikesugar flowers but hold courses in all aspects ofcake decorating including the basics, cupcakesand royal icing.For a list of current courses, have a look at video tutorials are now available takingyou directly into the classroom``````“Fine Cut”EXTENSIVE RANGE OF HIGH QUALITY TIN PLATE,SUGARCRAFT CUTTERS MANUFACTURED IN ENGLANDEnquiries for catalogue of over 450 products incNEW RANGE of Décor Art Cutters to:‘FINE CUT’ SUGARCRAFT PRODUCTSWorkshop No. 4 • Old Stable BlockHolme Pierrepont Hall • Holme PierrepontNottingham NG12 2LD • Tel/Fax: 0115 933 4349``````Cake decorating supplies, beginners cake decorating courses,one-one tuition and monthly workshopsFor all your cake decorating needs andfriendly advice please give us a call:01902 238100/ 07917 176453http://www.rosemacefieldcakecraft.comUnit 3, Castle Street, Roseville, Coseley,West Midlands WV14 9DP``````Learn sugarcraft in beautifulCounty Down``````Quiet area overlookingCarlingford lough,convenient to shopsand restaurants.Classes resume September 2015.``````Private parking, b&b availableon the premises.``````Further details phone or email Mary``````02841``````Amazing Floral SugarWATERDALE CENTRE, DONCASTERCakes & Sugarcraft Shop Waterdale Centre, 21 Queensgate, Doncaster DN1 3JNT: 01302 323338``````Specialist Sugarcraft Shop51 High Road, Bushey Heath,Hertfordshire WD23 1EEFree next day local deliveries for ordersof £30.00 (excludes cake and balloonorders) and 10% discount on ordersover £100.00Please phone or email for details -this offer is not currently on our websiteT: 0208 950 0077 9.30am to 5.00pmMon to Sat``````WHATNEWSKILLWOULDYOULIKETOLEARN?``````CAKE DECORATING EQUIPMENTPg 81_Pg 77 07/05/2015 15:03 Page 1DerbyshireBilstonLeicestershireDevonBlue RibbonsSUGARCRAFT``````29 Walton Road, East Molesey, Surrey KT8 0DH T: 020 8941 1591E: W: & Secure``````Corteil & BarrattServing the world of cake for over 30 yearsComplete range of sugarcraft / cake decoratingmaterials and equipmentDemonstrations, shop courses and classes availableCake stand & tin hireCelebration cakes made to orderLarge selection of wedding favoursWe offer a large selection of sugar flowers to tradeand retail customers at very competitive prices.40 HIGH STREET • EWELL VILLAGEEPSOM • SURREY KT17 1RWTel/Fax: 020 8393 0032 DISCOUNT • MAIL ORDER SERVICETHAME``````WINDSOR- Cake Decorating Supplies & Accessories- Park free and easily at our shop- We serve the Slough, Windsor and Maidenhead area- In-house Classes and Tin and Stand Hire- 01753 865682-``````SUGAR ARTISTRY``````For all yoursugarcraft andcake decoratingrequirements.Call in for somefriendly service& advice.``````449-451 Ashley RoadParkstonePoole BH14 0AXTel: 01202 716286``````POOLE``````Dummies Direct 0121 778 4692``````Dummies from high qualitypolystyrene in all shapes and sizesDummies DirectLEICESTERSHIRE``````Sugar & IceLEICESTERSHIRE’SLARGESTCAKEDECORATINGSPECIALISTTin/stand hire • edible photoplaques • sugarcraft classesequipment salesWedding & Celebration Cakes -made to orderNEW BIGGER PREMISES NOWAT COALVILLE24 Hotel St, Coalville LE67 3EP01530 8172103-5 Cyril St, Leicester LE3 2FF0116 263 0846@sugarandiceleic``````DEVONICING ON THE TOP& CROSS PATCH``````Specialists in sugarcraft equipmentand decorations. Tin and stand hire.Classes7 Ladysmith Road • Lipson • Plymouth01752 252836``````Well worth a visit``````DUMMIES``````ESSEX``````67-69 VICTORIAROADROMFORD• ESSEXRM1 2LTTEL: 01708 761727``````Specialists in cakes,silk flowers, equipment,lessons, favours direct from:PARTY CAKESBACK ISSUESApril 2015 May 2015 June 2015``````For digital and paper back issues go to http://www.cake-craft.comPrevious issues are also available on our website``````£5.20 inc p&p per back issue copy (UK only), Europe £7.70 inc p&p, RoW £8.70 inc p&p.COMPLETE YOUR COLLECTION...Go towww.cake-craft.comand for just £5.95 + p&pyou can treat yourself to aCake Craft & Decoration12 issue binder``````WANT TO KEEP YOUR BACK ISSUES INGREAT CONDITION?``````Pg 82_Pg 77 08/05/2015 13:00 Page 1BEST SELLING FOR OVER 24 YEARSBirminghamSUGARCRAFT SUPPLIES SPECIALISTSSugarcraft advice always availablefrom our experienced staff.1 Fishers Yard, St Neots, PE19 2AGTelephone: 01480 471200Email: online at``````EssexFOR CAKE MAKERSBY CAKE MAKERS``````Sugarcraft retail storeUnit 4, Rear of 555 Sutton Road, Southend OnSea, Essex, SS2 5FB 01702 462222``````Online store``````Over 4500 products • Classes10% discount using the code CCD1FREE delivery on all orders over £40CuttersEnquiries for catalogue of over500 products inc NEW RANGEof Décor Art Cutters to:``````‘FINE CUT’ SUGARCRAFT PRODUCTSWorkshop No. 4Old Stable BlockHolme Pierrepont HallHolme PierrepontNottingham NG12 2LDTel/Fax: 0115 933 4349info@fi necutsugarcraft.com``````EXTENSIVE RANGE OF HIGH QUALITYTIN PLATE, SUGARCRAFT CUTTERSMANUFACTURED IN ENGLANDIsle of Wight- Sugarcraft classes available throughout the year, tuition for all levels of ability- Children’s classes (school holidays)- Ready made fruit cakes- All your sugarcraft needs from major suppliers- Edible printing- Celebration Cakes for all occasions made to order- Gift vouchers availablePlease call 01902 497 498 or visit our shop46 High Street, Bilston, Wolverhampton,West Midlands, WV14 0EPOnline shop http://www.allaboutcakesbilston.comEmail: info@allaboutcakesbilston.comAll About RainbowDustLtd RainbowDustColours#colourshimmershine``````Presenting our new look packaging! We’ve redesigned our whole range making it easier for you to select your perfect shades. Our products have not changed, so you can unleash yourimagination and let your creativity sparkle just as always.We decorated this stunning cake with our opulent metallic paint, which brings a new dimension of indulgent metallic shine to your edible creations. Simply apply with a brush,sponge or airbrush for a stunning metallic finish.``````with our opulent metallic food paint``````With thanks to the incredible cake artist Paulin of Crummb for allowing us to recreate her beautiful original design.SUGAR fora (^) ll your cake needICE s24 - 28 Hotel St,Coalville,LE67 3EPCOALVILLE01530 817 2103 - 5 Cyril St,Leicester,LE3 2FFLEICESTER0116 263 0846For Cake Decorating Hints & Tips Stand & Tin HireSugarcraft ClassesEdible Photo PlaquesGift Vouchers AvailableSponge & Fruit Cake BasesBespoke Celebration Cakes@SugarAndIceLeicBlueRibbonsSUGARCRAFT29WaltonRoad,EastMolesey,Surrey KT8 0DH T: 020 SecureSugarDaddy’sSugarcraft Shop1 Fishers Yard, MarketSquare,StNeots, Cambs PE192AFTel/Fax 01480 Aladdin’s cave of cakemaking,decorating & equipmentClasses available on requestTin / stand hireWedding / celebration cake specialist local parking available01223 246840124 WulfstanWay• CambridgeCAMBRIDGESHIREBILSTON BIRMINGHAMAll About Cakes46High Street, Bilston, Wolverhampton WV14 0EPT: 01902 tosee usOurSugarcraftschooloffers classes frombeginner toadvanced.Tins for hire, Sugarflair and RainbowColours,FMM,Karen Davies, Jem, PME, Squires, Pillars,Tinkertech,Great Impressions,FPC and many many more.Wearealwayshereto giveyouhelp and advice.Have a look at our online shop for offers Anniversary - 31 Years!CAKEDECORATINGEQUIPMENTFreedeliveryonordersover£3010% offyour firstorderquotingMAG10Tel:01323 406565 fromfruits, vegetables, roots,seeds andmineralsinunprecedented color strength andbrilliance.TruColorTMNaturalFoodColorPaintandNaturalGelPaste PowderColorsCake byShayne GreenmanCake bySharonSpradleyJustadd water toHYDRATEAND DECORATETruColor, LLC14144 Central Ave.Ste.GChino,CA91710909-271-8869/ cakecrafts@comcast.nethttp://www.TruColor.orgSales:www.CakeCrafts.netPg 80_Pg 77 12/05/2015 14:20 Page 1GET 10% DISCOUNT if you quote code CCS18Unit 7 Falcon Way, Eagle Business Park, Yaxley,Peterborough PE7 3GR. Tel: 01733 245451Come along and see what great products and cakemaking ideas we have in store for you!See website for details on our PME Diploma courses High St. Ryde, I.O.W. PO33 2SUTel. 01983 811409Iced Inspirations“Everything for thecake decorator”- competitive prices- vast range of productsFREE DELIVERY ON ALL ORDERS OVER £60sept_classifieds.indd 78 02/08/2018 11:50:12

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