for($i=0; $i <= mhashcount(); $i++)
print("\n"); \n");
print("MHASH". mhash_get_hash_name($i). \n");
print("". mhash_get_block_size($i). \n");
integer mhash_get_block_size(integer hash)
The mhash_get_block_size function returns the block size used for a hash algorithm.
string mhash_get_hash_name(integer hash)
The mhash_get_hash_name function returns the name for a particular hash identifier.
int similar_text(string left, string right, reference percentage)
The similar_text function compares two strings and returns the number of characters
they have in common. If present, the variable specified for the percentage argument will
receive the percentage similarity. Compare this function to metaphone and soundex.
The algorithm used for similar_text is taken from a book by Ian Oliver called
Programming Classics: Implementing the World's Best Algorithms. It's published by
Prentice Hall, and you can find out more about it on the Prentice Hall PTR Web site http:
Figure 9-6. similar_text