Microsoft Word - Core PHP Programming Using PHP to Build Dynamic Web Sites

(singke) #1

//send image
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");

boolean imagejpeg(integer image, string filename, integer

The imagejpeg function either sends an image to the browser or writes it to a file. If a
filename is provided, a JPEG file is created. Otherwise, the image is sent directly to the
browser. The optional quality argument determines the compression level used in the
image, and should range from 0 (lowest quality) to 10 (highest quality).

* create a blue square, save to disk

//create image if it doesn't exist,
//or it's older than an hour
if(!file_exists("blue_square.jpg") OR
(filectime("blue_square.jpg") (time() - 3600)))
//send debugging info
print("!<-creating image->\n");

//create a blue square
$image = imagecreate(200, 100);
$colorBlue = imagecolorallocate($image, 128, 128, 255);
$colorWhite = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
imagefill($image, 0, 0, $colorBlue);

//add file creation time to image
imagestring($image, 4, 10, 10,
date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),

//write it to a file
imagejpeg($image, "blue_square.jpg");

//print image tag that show image
print("IMG SRC= "blue_square.jpg " ".
"HEIGHT= "100 " WIDTH= "200 " BORDER=\"0\">");

boolean imageline(integer image, integer start_x, integer
start_y, integer end_x, integer end_y, integer color)

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