Microsoft Word - Core PHP Programming Using PHP to Build Dynamic Web Sites

(singke) #1


//word not recognized, get
$suggestion =
aspell_suggest($aspell_link, $token);

print("Unrecognized word:

while(list($index, $word) =


boolean aspell_check(integer link, string word)

The aspell_check function returns true if the word argument is found in the
dictionary specified by the link argument. This function attempts to trim extraneous
characters before validating the spelling.

boolean aspell_check_raw(integer link, string word)

This function behaves like aspell_check, except that it makes no attempt to trim
extraneous characters.

array aspell_suggest(integer link, string word)

The aspell_suggest function returns an array of suggested spellings for a word. The
link argument is an integer returned by the aspell_new function.


The component object model (COM) is a framework that allows sharing of executable
modules without recompiling. If you have used Windows for any time at all, you are
aware of dynamic-link libraries (DLLs), collections of functions a program can load on
demand. Many programs can share a DLL, which goes a long way toward the principle of
reuse. Unfortunately, DLLs that work well with some programming languages don't work

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