Microsoft Word - Core PHP Programming Using PHP to Build Dynamic Web Sites

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The imap_mail function is an alternative to the mail function. The difference is the
arguments for specific headers.

string imap_mail_compose(array envelope, array body)

The imap_mail_compose function returns a MIME message given arrays describing
the envelope and body. The envelope argument may contain the following elements:
bcc, cc, date, from, message_id, reply_to, return_path, to. The body
argument may contain the following elements: bytes,, encoding,
id, lines, md5, subtype, type.

boolean imap_mail_copy(integer stream, string list, string
mailbox, integer flags)

The imap_mail_copy function copies messages into another mailbox. The list of
messages can be a list of messages or a range. The optional flags argument is a bitfield
that may be set with CP_UID, which specifies that the list contains UIDs, or CP_MOVE,
which instructs the function to delete the original messages after copying. This last
functionality may be accomplished with the imap_mail_move function.


$mailbox = imap_open("{}INBOX",
"leon", "password");
imap_mail_copy($mailbox, "OLD", "17");

boolean imap_mail_move(integer stream, string list, string

The imap_mail_move function moves messages from the current mailbox to a new
mailbox. The list of messages can be a list of messages or a range.


$mailbox = imap_open("{}INBOX",
"leon", "password");
imap_mail_move($mailbox, "OLD", "17");

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