Now that you know how to protect a page, it may be instructive to workthe other
direction, requesting a protected page. As I said earlier, the fopen function allows you to
specify username and password as part of a URL, but you may have a more complicated
situation where you need to use fsockopen. An Authentication request header is
necessary. The value of this header is a username and password separated by a colon.
This string is base64 encoded, in compliance with the HTTP specification.
Listing 18.2 requests the script in Listing 18.1. You may need to mod- ify the URI
to make it work on your Web server. The script assumes you have installed all the
examples on your Web server in /corephp/listings. If you are wondering about
the \r\n at the end of each line, recall that all lines sent to HTTP servers must end in a
carriage return and a linefeed.
Listing 18.2 Requesting a Protected Document
//open socket
if(!($fp = fsockopen("localhost", 80)))
print("Couldn't open socket!
//make request for document
fputs($fp, "HEAD /corephp/listings/18-1.php
//send username and password
fputs($fp, "Authorization: Basic ".
//end request
fputs($fp, "\r\n");
//dump response from server
Controlling Browser Cache
One hassle of writing dynamic Web pages is the behavior of caches. Browsers maintain
their own cache, and by default they will check for a newer version of the page only once
per session. Some ISPs provide their own cache as well. The intention is to avoid