Sprinkling PHP within an HTML Document.............................................
Using PHP to Output All HTML.....................................................................
Separating HTML from PHP..........................................................................
Passing Arrays in Forms................................................................................
By this time, you have learned the basics of PHP. You have a reference for the functions.
And you've been introduced to some fundamental problems of programming. But all the
examples I've shown have been pieces, snippets for the sake of illustration. This chapter
will discuss how to integrate PHP into a Web site. It will help you decide whether to
build a site completely with PHP, to sprinkle PHP throughout the site, or to simply create
a few key PHP-driven pages. I'll also discuss issues involved in using PHP to generate
Sprinkling PHP within an HTML Document
The first and most obvious approach to using PHP is to build HTML files as you have
always done, inserting PHP tags as if they were HTML tags. This could take the form of
repeating HTML that you replace with a call to a PHP function. It could take the form of
a large block of PHP code that generates database output. Or it could be a script that
processes a form submission. These are all situations where the impact of PHP on the site
is slight. This is a good first step for those new to programming. You are able to insert the
smallest amount of PHP code as a test. As your experience and confidence grow, so will
your reliance on PHP.
Let's examine creating a PHP function to replace repeating HTML. One great aspect of
cascading style sheets is that they allow you to redefine how tags behave. Unfortunately,
this technology is available only in the newest versions of Navigator and Internet
Explorer. You can provide similar functionality on the server side with PHP. Suppose we
would like all of our headers to be in uppercase letters, bold, size 7, and blue. The
solution is to write a function that takes a string and prints it in the proper format.
In Listing 20.1 I've created a function called PrintTitle. This function wraps a
given string in HTML tags. In some ways the code is more readable than if I had simply
written it as static HTML, because each time there is a title, we see the call to the
PrintTitle function. This may have more meaning than the collection of tags for
which it stands. This is one of the benefits of functions in general: they wrap up
functionality into a single name.