Food & Wine USA - (02)February 2021

(Comicgek) #1
FEBRUARY 2021 81

Grow the Garden

A joyful routine, tending a garden keeps you grounded in the seasons
and offers the chance to get to know your food intimately. Keep plants
healthy with great nutrients and the right tools and techniques.

  1. Find a balance: Once
    the garden is established,
    keep it healthy with the
    right mix of nutrients.
    Test the soil once a
    month to check for mac-
    ronutrients and a neutral
    pH. Use an at-home kit
    for instant results (NPK
    Test Kit, $20, gardeners.
    co m).

  2. Feed the soil: Feed
    regularly to correct
    nutrient imbalances
    with Neptune’s Harvest

Fish-Seaweed Fertilizer
(from $34, neptunes “I have
been using this for years;
it is my go-to fertilizer for
when plants need a pick-
me-up,” Gasbarra says.

  1. Tools of the trade:
    You only need a few tools,
    so invest in good ones.
    Every gardener needs a
    hori hori, which is a type
    of digging knife, and a
    trowel, like the hand-
    forged ones from Red Pig

Garden Tools (fro m $3 5 ,

  1. Harvest helpers:
    Snip stems and sprigs
    with sharp garden
    shears, like the Tajika
    Branch and Root Shears,
    made by artisans in
    Japan ($120, nalata Have a shal-
    low basket, like a Wooden
    Garden Trug, ready to
    cradle freshly picked
    produce (fro m $74 ,




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