Food & Wine USA - (02)February 2021

(Comicgek) #1
FEBRUARY 2021 87


MAKES 2^1 / 2 CUPS

3 oz. mixed tender fresh herbs (about
7 loosely packed cups), such as
basil, Thai basil, mint, cilantro, and
lemon verbena

3 cups simple syrup

  1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil over
    high. Arrange a double layer of cheese-
    cloth in a strainer, and place strainer over
    a medium bowl so that strainer rests a

few inches above bottom of bowl; set
aside. Prepare an ice bath by filling a large
bowl with ice water.

  1. Add herbs to boiling water; cook, stir-
    ring constantly, 10 to 15 seconds. Using a
    slotted spoon, transfer blanched herbs to
    ice bath. Let cool 5 minutes. Drain, gently
    squeezing out excess liquid, and transfer
    herbs to a blender. Add simple syrup to
    blender. Process on high speed until herb
    mixture is smooth, about 2 minutes. Pour
    into prepared strainer, and let stand,
    stirring occasionally without pressing on
    solids, until all liquid has passed through
    strainer, about 1 hour. Discard solids.
    MAKE AHEAD Herb simple syrup may be
    stored in an airtight container in refrigera-
    tor up to 1 week.

Cilantro can be har-
vested in all stages of
maturity. At its earliest
stage, the plants produce
bunches of its green foli-
age, but don’t forget the
later stages. The fragrant
white flowers are edible,
and the fresh green cori-
ander seeds are great for
S O U R C E I T: Johnny’s
Selected Seeds (johnny

If properly cared for, this
perennial shrub can live
for many years. When
bruised, lemon verbena
leaves explode with
lemon aroma. Also con-
sider planting French
green sorrel, variegated
lemon thyme, and lemon
mint for similarly bright
additions to dishes.
S O U R C E I T: Find garden-
ready transplants at nurs-
eries or farmers markets.

“This variety is a show-
stopper, with compact
clusters of deep bur-
gundy flowers,” Gasbarra
says. “Its broad leaf is
similar in size to Geno-
vese basil, but its flavor
is more intense, with
licorice and clove notes. I
harvest and separate the
blooms for a garnish.”
S O U R C E I T: Baker
Creek Heirloom Seeds

Blanching tender herbs before blending them in this versatile syrup preserves their

delicate, fresh flavors. Use this refreshing syrup in cocktails or mocktails, or drizzle it

over fruity desserts.

Herb Simple Sy rup

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