Sams Teach Yourself Java™ in 24 Hours (Covering Java 7 and Android)

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Summary 9

graphical user interface, source code editor, user interface designer, and
project manager. It works in complement to the JDK, running it behind the
scenes, so you must have both tools on your system when you begin
developing Java programs.

The programs in this book were created with NetBeans, which you can
download and install in a bundle with the JDK. You can use other Java
tools as long as they support JDK 7.

Installing a Java Development Tool

Every hour of this book ends with a Java programming project you can
undertake to enhance your knowledge of the subject matter while it perco-
lates in your brain.

You can’t do any of that Java programming if you lack a Java program-
ming tool on your computer.

If you have a programming tool such as NetBeans or the JDK, you can use
it to develop the tutorial programs in the next 23 hours. However, you
already should have some familiarity with how to use the tool. Learning
Java and a complex development tool at the same time can be daunting.

If you don’t have a Java development tool, you ought to consider using
NetBeans 7, which is freely available from Oracle’s website:

To find out how to download and install NetBeans, read Appendix A,
“Using the NetBeans Integrated Development Environment.”


During this hour, you were introduced to the concept of programming a
computer—giving it a set of instructions that tell it what to do. You also
might have downloaded and installed a Java development tool that you
will use as you write sample programs throughout the book.

If you are still confused about programs, programming languages, or Java
in general, don’t sweat. Everything will begin to make sense in the next
hour, “Writing Your First Program,” which gingerly steps through the
process of creating a Java program.

Oracleoffers comprehensive
documentation for the Java lan-
guage in web page format. You
don’t need this information to
use this book because each
topic isdiscussed fully as it is
introduced,but these pages
come in handy when you write
your own programs.
Yo u c a n d o w n l o a d t h e e n t i r e
documentation,but it might be
more convenient to browse it as
needed from Oracle’s website.
The most up-to-date Java docu-
mentation is available at
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