Sams Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days

(singke) #1
Exploiting References 263


Passing an object by reference enables the function to change the object being referred
to. On Day 5, you learned that functions are passed their parameters on the stack. When
a function is passed a value by reference (using either pointers or references), the address
of the original object is put on the stack, not the entire object. In fact, on some comput-
ers, the address is actually held in a register and nothing is put on the stack. In either
case, because an address is being passed, the compiler now knows how to get to the orig-
inal object, and changes are made there and not in a copy.
Recall that Listing 5.5 on Day 5 demonstrated that a call to the swap()function did not
affect the values in the calling function. Listing 5.5 is reproduced here as Listing 9.5, for
your convenience.

LISTING9.5 Demonstrating Passing by Value

1: //Listing 9.5 - Demonstrates passing by value
2: #include <iostream>
4: using namespace std;
5: void swap(int x, int y);
7: int main()
8: {
9: int x = 5, y = 10;
11: cout << “Main. Before swap, x: “ << x << “ y: “ << y << endl;
12: swap(x,y);
13: cout << “Main. After swap, x: “ << x << “ y: “ << y << endl;
14: return 0;
15: }
17: void swap (int x, int y)
18: {
19: int temp;
21: cout << “Swap. Before swap, x: “ << x << “ y: “ << y << endl;
23: temp = x;
24: x = y;
25: y = temp;
27: cout << “Swap. After swap, x: “ << x << “ y: “ << y << endl;
28: }

Main. Before swap, x: 5 y: 10
Swap. Before swap, x: 5 y: 10
Swap. After swap, x: 10 y: 5
Main. After swap, x: 5 y: 10


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