Object-Oriented Analysis and Design 359
It is important to come back to the fundamentals: Public inheritance should always
model generalization. The common expression for this is that inheritance should model
is-arelationships. If you want to model the has-a relationship (for example, a car has-a
steering wheel), you do so with aggregation, as shown in Figure 11.15.
False inheritance.
Steering Wheel Door Tire
Aggregation. Car
Steering Wheel Door Tire
The diagram in Figure 11.15 indicates that a car has a steering wheel, four wheels, and
two to five doors. This is a more accurate model of the relationship among a car and its
parts. Notice that the diamond in the diagram is not filled in; this is so because this rela-
tionship is being modeled as an aggregation, not as a composition. Composition implies
control for the lifetime of the object. Although the car hastires and a door, the tires and
door can exist before they are part of the car and can continue to exist after they are no
longer part of the car.