x 20 y 20
Note that class Paneon lines 7–19 is nested inside the namespace Window, which
is on lines 3–20. This is the reason you have to qualify the name Panewith the
The static variable count, which is declared in Paneon line 16, is defined as usual.
Within the function Pane::size()on lines 26–32, notice that MAX_Xand MAX_Yare fully
qualified. This is because Paneis in scope; otherwise, the compiler issues an error diag-
nostic. This also holds true for the function Pane::move().
Also interesting is the qualification of Pane::xand Pane::yinside both function defini-
tions. Why is this needed? Well, if the function Pane::move()were written like this, you
would have a problem:
void Window::Pane::move( int x, int y )
if( x < Window::MAX_X && x > 0 )
x = x ;
if( y < Window::MAX_Y && y > 0 )
y = y ;
Platform::move( x, y ) ;
Can you spot the issue? You probably won’t get much of an answer from your compiler;
some don’t issue any kind of diagnostic message at all.
The source of the problem is the function’s arguments. Arguments xand yhide the pri-
vate xand yinstance variables declared within class Pane. Effectively, the statements
assign both xand yto itself:
x = x ;
y = y ;
The usingKeyword ............................................................................................
Theusingkeyword is used for both the usingdirective and the usingdeclaration.
The syntax of the usingkeyword determines whether the context is a directive or a
The usingDirective........................................................................................
Theusingdirective effectively exposes all names declared in a namespace to be in the
current scope. You can refer to the names without qualifying them with their respective
namespace name. The following example shows the usingdirective:
648 Day 18