Working with Variables and Constants 43
wrong type in your variable (this characteristic of a programming language is called
“strong typing”).
Each cubbyhole is one byte in size. If the type of variable you create is four bytes in size,
it needs four bytes of memory, or four cubbyholes. The type of the variable (for example,
integer) tells the compiler how much memory (how many cubbyholes) to set aside for the
There was a time when it was imperative that programmers understood bits and bytes;
after all, these are the fundamental units of storage. Computer programs have gotten bet-
ter at abstracting away these details, but it is still helpful to understand how data is
stored. For a quick review of the underlying concepts in binary math, please take a look
at Appendix A, “Working with Numbers: Binary and Hexadecimal.”
If mathematics makes you want to run from the room screaming, don’t
bother with Appendix A; you won’t really need it. The truth is that program-
mers no longer need to be mathematicians; though it is important to be
comfortable with logic and rational thinking.
Size of Integers ................................................................................................
On any one computer, each variable type takes up a single, unchanging amount of room.
That is, an integer might be two bytes on one machine and four on another, but on either
computer it is always the same, day in and day out.
Single characters—including letters, numbers, and symbols—are stored in a variable of
type char. A charvariable is most often one byte long.
There is endless debate about how to pronounce char. Some say it as “car,”
some say it as “char”(coal), others say it as “care.” Clearly, car is correct
because that is how Isay it, but feel free to say it however you like.
For smaller integer numbers, a variable can be created using the shorttype. A short
integer is two bytes on most computers, a longinteger is usually four bytes, and an inte-
ger (without the keyword shortor long) is usually two or four bytes.
You’d think the language would specify the exact size that each of its types should be;
however, C++ doesn’t. All it says is that a shortmust be less than or equal to the size of
an int, which, in turn, must be less than or equal to the size of a long.