Technology Magazine - USA (2021-02)

(Antfer) #1
Indeed, some experts predict
that by 2050 cancer will be a man-
ageable chronic disease just like
diabetes and hypertension so that a
cancer diagnosis will no longer hold
the fear it does today. Additionally,
treatment is becoming more sophis-
ticated thanks to rapidly advancing
technology. “Cancer care is becom-
ing more “intelligent” with the use
of biomarkers, personalized drugs,
precision radiotherapy and proton
therapy, and targeted immunother-
apy” Kenneth says.

Kenneth Tan,
President – Asia Pacific & Japan,
Varian Medical Systems

“ The approach we take with cancer is the same
approach we take with any chronic illness like
hypertension - diagnose early, screen early,
and treat early so patients can continue to live
a high quality life”

that’s possible, and with that possibility
the fear disappears because from the
patient and family’s point of view, there
will be treatment options available that
improves survivability.”



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