Technology Magazine - USA (2021-02)

(Antfer) #1
automated processes to help oncology
professionals globally collaborate and
develop more precise and personal-
ized cancer treatments, making cancer
care easier to manage and deliver.”
This is how Varian envisions
Intelligent Cancer Care (ICC), which
combines people, data, and technol-
ogy to deliver bespoke patient care.

Kenneth Tan,
President – Asia Pacific & Japan,
Varian Medical Systems

“ Intelligent Cancer Care will
democratize personalized
care, augment and amplify
the clinical caregiver and
empower the patient as
a stakeholder in his or
her care”

“With ICC, we will have the ability to
integrate all our software and patient
insights in the cloud so that caregivers
anywhere in the world can access the
latest information and deliver more
accurate treatments. Our technol-
ogy platforms bring different teams
together, from surgical, medical,
radiation and interventional oncol-
ogy, resulting in a team approach that
offers the best care for each patient.”
Intelligent Cancer Care enables
a truly multidisciplinary approach to
treating cancer, which is one of the
most complex diseases to manage.
“All too often, the care that a patient
receives is determined by the first
point of interaction with the health



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