Technology Magazine - USA (2021-02)

(Antfer) #1
Thanks to a team of over
300 business and technology
consultants, each year we
assist hundreds of clients in
their Digital Transformation
programmes, on-site.
Whether it’s on premise, on
the cloud, native, or hybrid;
our subject matter experts
have your back. Why? Because
we take pleasure in doing what
people say cannot be done.

So real, you
can wrap

your arms

around it




is now tangible

with the amount of activity. It helps
to improve the accuracy of the game
and reduce the amount of dispute.
“We also use a lot of facial recog-
nition, as you can imagine,” says
Palos. “To identify people who’ve
been barred from the casino, and so
on. We’re also starting to build out
algorithms for dynamic offers and
incentives. Say we just noticed that
you won the jackpot. Let’s send you
a bottle of champagne and make you
an offer of a free hotel room so that
you’ll come back and spend some
more money next time.”

Casino tables, meanwhile, have
always been higher-tech than you
might imagine, requiring multiple
computers stationed inside crev-
ices and corners to operate. “But of
course, maintaining these comput-
ers can be time-consuming and
resource-intensive,” says Palos.
“They get beaten up as they age, and
expose the casino operation to high
failure rates and security issues.
We boiled down the essence of
that, and now we have converted to
Raspberry Pis, believe it or not, using
thousands and thousands of them

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