Technology Magazine - USA (2021-02)

(Antfer) #1

Kai Grunwitz; The introduction to Kai


cyber security. Digital transformation
requires trust in the systems you imple-
ment, because it’s all about data. Digital
solutions and networks are one thing,
but it has to be secure. For instance, a
remote working environment needs to
be innovative and easy to use, but also
secure. Therefore, digital transformation
goes hand in hand with cybersecurity.”
Emerging technologies such as AI
are omnipresent throughout NTT Ltd.’s
offering, with the company having
developed its own translation and voice
recognition solutions based on AI. “In

cybersecurity, for example, there’s a
lot of automation to allow more agility
in that area. Hospitals are another area,
with preventive maintenance solutions
to detect problems with medical devices
and so on. In customer experience and
contact centres, too, there’s a lot we
do with chatbots – using AI to change
the way you interact with your clients.”
It’s in that customer experience
segment that NTT Ltd. partners with
Genesys. “We’re both long-term part-
ners, recognised leaders and experts
in supporting clients to maximise their

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