Technology Magazine - USA (2021-02)

(Antfer) #1
One of the world’s foremost technology and busi-
ness solution providers, NTT has maintained a
singular goal: developing technology for the benefit
of wider society. Since its establishment as Nippon
Telegraph and Telephone (NTT) public corporation
in 1952, it has assiduously worked towards achiev-
ing this vision, eventually incorporating the latest
innovations such as hybrid cloud, data centres and
digital transformation, and always monitoring the
changing needs of its customers. This ethos has
allowed it to expand operations as NTT Ltd. (part of
the NTT Group) beyond its native Japan to 57 coun-
tries, trade with 73, and provide services to more
than 200.
As such, NTT is fully prepared to confront one of
the most exciting paradigm shifts in recent times:
the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). Andy
Green, Senior Director Software Go-To-Market,
spoke with us to outline why NTT’s focus on appli-
cation performance will be crucial to this effort.

Andy Green, Senior Director
Software GTM, explains how
NTT is positioning itself at the
forefront of 21st century IT and
the fourth industrial revolution



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