Technology Magazine - USA (2021-02)

(Antfer) #1

you’re actually keeping your costs the
same, but you’re increasing the amount
of revenue that you can generate.”
That sense of unlocking productivity is
reiterated by Chris Duddridge, who adds
that “By removing repetitive, time-con-
suming tasks that doesn’t add to the value
of what an organisation is delivering, it
actually frees up time to drive far more
into product design, or spending time with
customers, for instance.
Duddridge is VP Sales for UiPath in the
UK and Ireland. The company started with
screen scraping and has developed into a
leading end-to-end automation platform
vendor. Our products are designed to
support every organisation and employee
within that by essentially unlocking all of
the manual, repetitive, unnecessary tasks
that we all do on a daily basis.”
The more that the concrete financial
sense of automation is realised, McGarry
believes, the more senior executives will
buy in to introducing automation tech-
nologies. “Once people and companies
realise the direct link of automation to
the bottom line and thus to a company’s
valuation, that should then reinforce the
level of sponsorship from senior level
management. It’s important, therefore, to

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