Microsoft Word - Sam's Teach Yourself MySQL in 21 Days - SAMS.doc

(singke) #1
You can override the default behavior by adding the firstday parameter. Instead of 0 representing
Sunday, 1=Monday, and so on, you can set the first day to be a different day of the week.
Without the second argument, you have WEEK('2000-01-09'), a Sunday, returning 2 (Week 2 of the
But with a firstday of 1, WEEK('2000-01-09',1) returns 1 because you told MySQL to start
counting from the Monday.
YEARWEEK(date[,firstday]) works in much the same way, but prepends the week with the year.
In the previous example, YEARWEEK('2000-01-09',1) returns 200001.

This may sound a little academic, but internationally, not all diaries use the same convention!

Current Date and Time

There are several methods for obtaining the current date and time:
To get the full date and time in one of the standard DATETIME formats, it's easiest to use NOW().

The answer can be returned as a string
mysql> SELECT NOW();

results in the following:
| NOW() |
| 2000-02-05 18:05:11 |

or as a number:
mysql> SELECT NOW()+0;

results in the following:
| NOW()+0 |
| 20000205181027 |
SYSDATE()and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP return exactly the same thing as NOW().
If you just want the date portion, you can use CURDATE() or CURRENT_DATE, which are identical. They
would return 2000-02-05 (or 20000205 if used in a numeric context).
If you're interested in the current time but not the date, you can use CURTIME() or CURRENT_TIME.
These are also equivalent and would return a time looking like 18:14:57 (or 181457 if used in a
numeric context).

Formatting Dates and Times

ƒ DATE_FORMAT(date,format)
ƒ TIME_FORMAT(time,format)
The DATE_FORMAT and TIME_FORMAT pair of functions are useful in allowing you to display a date or
time in almost any format you choose. As well as passing a date or time parameter, you supply a
format made up of the specifiers given in Table 16.3.
Table 16.3 DATE_FORMAT and TIME_FORMAT Output Formats

format Parameter Output Format

%r 12-hour time (hh:mm:ss (AM|PM))
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