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88 LESSON 5: Organizing Information with Lists


  1. Ordered and unordered lists use the
  2. tag for list items. What tags are used by
    definition lists?

  3. Is it possible to nest an ordered list within an unordered list or vice versa?

  4. Which attribute is used to set the starting number for an ordered list? What about to
    change the value of an element within a list?

  5. What are the three types of bullets that can be specified for unordered lists using
    the list-style-type CSS property?

Quiz Answers

  1. Definition lists use the
    tags for list items.

  2. Yes, you can nest ordered lists within unordered lists or vice versa. You can also
    nest lists of the same type, too.

  3. With the
      tag, the start attribute is used to specify the starting value for the
      list. To change the numbering within a list, the value attribute is used.
    1. The bullet types supported by the list-style-type property are disc, circle, and
      square. The default is disc.


    1. Use nested lists to create an outline of the topics covered in this book so far.

    2. Use nested lists and the list-style-type CSS property to create a traditional out-
      line of the topics you plan to cover on your own website.

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