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344 LESSON 12: Designing Forms

submitted to the server as the value associated with the Courses field instead of Basket
Weaving 499:
<select id="courses" >
<option value="p101">Programming 101
<option value="e312">Ecomomics 312
<option value="pe221">Physical Education 221
<option value="bw499">Basket Weaving 499

To select an option by default, include the selected attribute in an option element, as
<select id="courses">
<option value="p101">Programming 101</option>
<option value="e312">Ecomomics 312</option>
<option value="pe221" selected>Physical Education 221</option>
<option value="bw499">Basket Weaving 499</option>

The closing </option> tag is not required. You can use it or
leave it off, your choice.


Thus far, you’ve created menus from which a user can select only one choice. To enable
users to select more than one option, use the multiple attribute:
<select id="courses" multiple>

A user can choose multiple options by Shift-clicking to select sev-
eral in a row, or Ctrl-clicking (Windows) or Cmd-clicking (OS X) to
select several different items.


There are some usability issues associated with select lists. When you think about it,
select lists that enable users to choose one option are basically the equivalent of radio
button groups, and select lists that allow multiple selections are the same as check box
groups. It’s up to you to decide which tag to use in a given circumstance. If you need to
present the user with a lot of options, select lists are generally the proper choice. A select
list with a list of states is a lot more concise and usable than a group of 50 radio buttons.
By the same token, if there are four options, radio buttons probably make more sense.
The same rules basically hold with check box groups versus multiple select lists.
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